Summer Training: June and July

Summer Practices Will Begin in June

Messages will be sent out via the Remind App (See below how to become a part). The goal will be to host at least 1 coached practice per week (possibly 2-3) while offering summer weights and a summer running schedule. Info will be conveyed to athletes in May with a lunch meeting, Remind messaging, and Instragram announcements. Stay in touch!

Summer Practice Location(s):

Most will be at Mica Mountain High School while some will be at...

Summer Weights Schedule 

Incoming Frosh: Mon-Thurs 8-9am
Soph-Sr Girls: 9-10am

Soph-Sr Boys: 9-10am 

Thank you for representing well in the weight room this summer. All Coaches have said positive things to us about your performance and manners. 

Kindness goes a long way!